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Ranunculus asiaticus

Neragkoyla or Batrachi

RANUNCULUS-ASIATICUS.jpgThe Buttercup withstand the cold of winter and so can decorate your balcony or terrace. No problem until the 0 theC. But if the cold is more better be placed at some point to beat the morning sun. In imiskiera places like Buttercup, but not the mind and direct exposure to the Sun. But not withstanding air. When the others are not at all whimsical. If you renew each season the soil, He wants minimum fertilizer. Allow the soil to dry completely between waterings.

Multiplication is the spring or autumn with seeds or Division.

Species and varieties
Ranunculus-lanuginosus.jpgRanunculus lanuginosus

RANUNCULUS-ficaria.jpgRanunculus ficaria

Ranunculus-aconitifolius.jpgRanunculus aconitifolius.

The diversity Cardinal has red, the Madonna It has white and the Parissienne It has pink flowers.

Guests currently searching, are reading here for: Buttercup, neragkoyla in flower pot, ranunculus flower.