Easter Cactus

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RHIPSALIDOPSIS.jpgRelative to the fyllokakto and the Christmas Cactus, Easter Cactus hails from the rainforests of southern Brazil, where it grows as epiphyte. The shoots have strong branching and hanging down, While consisting of equal ablative members, on top of which come out every spring the gorgeous flowers. Its roots are black. Need a part warm, bright to imiskiero with a lot of moisture. Don't like the movements of the pot of. During the period of development of the abundant water with soft water and pour the fertilizer for cacti two-three times. When you are in a stupor, don't water often. It is important for flowering next year to Hibernate in cool place. If necessary, metafyteyte in non-calcium choymwdes mix.

The bright red flowers of the Easter Cactus are particularly charming. Do not attempt however to ayxiete flowering of turning constantly to the light, Why might fall leaves.  Nor extra watering guarantees increased flowering and in addition your Cactus is in danger of rotting.
Multiplication is grafted, preferably in may after flowering.

Rhipsalidopsis-gaertneri.jpgRhipsalidopsis gaertneri It has intense branching, Scarlet flowers with long petals and a little pointy gyrista.

RHIPSALIDOPSIS_-rosea.jpgRhipsalidopsis rosea with fragrant flowers.

It Rhipsalidopsis x. graeseri has emerged with intersection of two previous.

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