Philodendron (Filodentro)

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philodendron.jpgThe filodentro originates from tropical America and belongs to the family of aroeidwn. As and t’ name of, He likes to climb on trees. Many have aerial roots. There are prevalent and shrubby species with leaves whole, elloba or fissures. Is aϊthali and glossy with great decorative value. Larger plants may’ Bloom!. Put the filodentro in part bright to shady, without Sun. Loves moisture. The air, the water and soil to have room temperature. From spring until August to water with soft water retaining fluid, autumn and winter reduce watering. He wants to spray humidifier and compost every 2 weeks from April to August. Once a year change pot, in large plants rarely.

The multiplication is done with sections that have aerial roots, with the Summit or with grafts buds, with seed or grafting.

Species and varieties
Philodendron-scadens.jpgPhilodendron scandens, the erpon: the famous kind, It has small leaves kardioschima, bear and in the shade, suitable for pendant or wall.

philodendron_-erubescens.jpgPhilodendron erubescens has elongated arched leaves, Blossom with a light cinnamon braktio sheet. The ‘Red Emerald‘ and ‘Bourgogne‘ they have reddish leaves, the ‘Lynette‘ is newer type with tongue-shaped leaves.

philodendron_selloum.jpgPhilodendron selloum: No climbing and has wavy leaf perimeter.

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