Coleus plant

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Coleus Blumei

also known as bloymeios or sheath the Golden nettle

COLEUS-BLUMEI.jpgIt is a tropical plant that belongs to the family of chilianthi. A relative of nettle. It has stunning leaves, radiating in almost all colors: white, yellow, Green, red, purple, but with many designs:stripes, waters, borders. The flowers are best to remove them when they are buds. I liked a lot sunny, Why are the leaves lose their beautiful colors from the lack of light. It wants moderate temperature, with more coolness in the winter. In the summer you can take in a windless place out. Spring and summer water abundant with soft water. In winter keep slightly moist. During the germination period wants non-calcium fertilizer every week. It's easy to crop. In the spring you can metafytepste after a good pruning. The multiplication by cuttings in summer or spring seeds.

The sheath is also called "Golden nettle" because of the similarity of the leaves of the nettle, but of course, due to radiation of. The Golden beauty however does not last long. From the second year begins to wane. It is time to replace it with a new plant.

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