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DlEFFENBACHIA (Greek: Διεφεμπάχια)

DlEFFENBACHIA.jpgBeautiful leafy plant family aroeidon the forests of tropical America. Has striking evergreen foliage with irregular patterns (spots, spots or lines) in green, yellow and cream color. Maintained for many years and is suitable for large spaces, it may reach up to 1,5 m. height. When blossom, leaves stop coming, about’ This lovers leaf cut flowers. Attention: plant is poisonous and irritating to skin and mucous. The diffenmpachia need all year hot and very humid, as well as a bright place to a shady, but without sun. Not withstand currents and temperature changes. During the growing season wants plenty of watering, while the period of rest and moderate watering with lukewarm water better than the pot saucer. Spray regularly and clean the leaves with tepid water. Also suitable for aquaculture. In summer take lightweight fertilizer every 1-2 weeks. Spring change of pot. You can prune older plants once you get into the summer. Propagated by cuttings in a mixture of top soil with high temperature.

Species and varieties

DlEFFENBACHIA-Amoena.jpg Dieffenbachia amoena particularly popular with hybrids. Have white and cream stamped leaf length up 60 cm.

DlEFFENBACHIA-maculata.jpg Dieffenbachia maculata with white and green spots.

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