Rechsteneria – Rechsteineria

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Rechsteiner cardinalis

Beautiful plant, originating from Vrazilia.Echei chloroprasina fluffy leaves and bright flowers soinota, in red, forming inflorescences. It flowers in summer, from June to August, but k'apoies times earlier, from the first week of May. It is cognate with the gloxinia and has similar requirements.

You need a shady place, cool or room temperature with very, very frequent watering and fertilizing the growing season (each 2 weeks). After flowering be limited watering, to shrink the leaves until autumn. The bulbs must be collected and overwinter in a cool dry place (12 – 15the C). Spring planted again in the soil, in 18 – 25the C, with a gradual increase of watering and fertilization.

The multiplication is done in the spring, by dividing the bulbs or cuttings.

The sheets should be sprayed, because fluff will plagued and can make stains.