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Dipladeniai.jpgDelicate climbing shrub slow growth in family apokynidon from the tropics of South America. It is particularlylitiriodis in its entirety. Has thin branches, green shiny leaves and large majestic trumpet-shaped flowers. The ntiplantenia is in need of some bright, not directly in the sun, high humidity, room temperature or above, while the winter suffice 18 °C. From March to August Keep the soil moist firmly, watering it with warm soft water, and pour the fertilizer every 1-2 weeks. After the end of flowering Limit watering. Winter is a time of rest. When you get the spring, change of pot. The multiplication is made with a heated box cuttings. As a tropical plant that is ntiplantenia wraps leaves like Bobbin, if the ambient air is very dry. Another danger that lurks is the interference of pseudo-grains and spider mites.

Species and varieties
Dipladenia-sanderi.jpgDipladenia sanderi The diversity Rosea has large flowers, pink with yellow funnel. The Rubiniana has flowers in bright pink-red tone.

Dipladenia_splendens.jpgDipladenia splendens with flowers length 10 cm, from the outside white, from within pink-red.

Dipladeniai-boliviensis.jpgDipladenia boliviensis with white flowers, orange on the inside.

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