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Photo: AnneTanne

H Alchemilla is a genus of herbaceous perennial plants in the family Rosaceae, The common name “”’ lady s mantle” anaferetaii generally to all, Alchemilla mollis, but in particular in. There are about 300 species, the majority are native to the colder regions of Europe and Asia, with some species that are native to the mountains of Africa and America.

Most species of Alchemilla grow in clusters, perennials with leaves arising from woody rhizomes. Some species have leaves with lobes are spread from a common point, and fan-shaped with small teeth on the edges. Are often covered with soft bristles, and show a high degree of adiabrochotitas. Small green shiny and bright yellow green flowers, appear in clusters above the foliage, in late spring.

Alchemilis properties

The alchemili (Alchemilla) has beneficial properties at the start of menses, in disorders and menopause. Relieves the menstrual pain and reduces excessive bleeding. Plant is astringent, diuretic, Cardio, anti-diarrheal, healing wounds, wounds, ulcers and transfections, antianemic and tonic muscle. Helps in all gynecological diseases, in relaxing the muscles of the abdomen and generally in muscle diseases, in uterine prolapse and hernias, inflammations of the abdomen and postpartum

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