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crataegus.jpgBotanical name: CrataegusmonogyhaThe Hawthorn monogynos, CrataeguslaevigataSmooth Hawthorn, CrataegusoxyacanthaThe Hawthorn Oxyakanthos. It is known by the names moyrtzia, trikoykia, moymoytzelia, koydoymilia. They belong to the family rodiidwn (Rosaceae)
Description: It is shrub or small tree medium height. The branches have thorns. The leaves have loboyskai the flowers appear in May and June. The fruit is oval with a diameter 8-12 mm, Open red in color (rare , yellow or aspridera).
Parts used: The fruits, fresh or xeramenoi, the parched or fresh flowers. The parched leaves are used more rarely because it is less drastic.
these species are found in hedges, forests and on terrains. Often planted like Bush. It is wide spread in’ all over Europe. It is very common shrub of Greece.
Ingredients and Action:
It is not well known. Contains flavonoids glycosides, katechinika acids. The Hawthorn increases blood flow in the coronary arteries and improves the status of patients with heart failure. The score appears after prolonged treatment. The hawthorn dendrase organic heart disease.
Use: Mainly used as a tincture made from the fruits and flowers (10-30 drops in half a glass of water 3 times a day). The Hawthorn is used for heart disease neural origin when she acts like a generic antidepressant. Also used for hypertension and difficulties of menopause.

Guests currently searching, are reading here for: Crataegus, Smooth Hawthorn, oxyakanthos.