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pelargonium.jpgZonale originating in South Africa. They usually have pteroschidi sheets that give off a strong aroma, While their flowers, Unlike Geraniums, an ester is trivial. Our familiar Geraniums that decorate each balcony are a variation. Their flowers shine in all colours, their leaves are toothed on the edges. There are kremokladi and orthoklada types. Zonale want light and fresh air, heat in summer and cooler in winter. Pour the compost every 2 weeks and cut the withered flowers. Spring or autumn prune and change the Flowerpot. You can multiply with cuttings cut by trimming.

Species and varieties


pelargonium_graveolens.jpgPelargonium graveolens be fragrant wild species with small pink or porfyrokokkina flowers and leaves with Palm-shaped pods.

pelargonium_radens.jpg Pelargonium radens smells like a rose.


Hybrids Grandiflorum with period flowering in summer, but the cultivated species as ‘Aquarell‘, ‘Autumn Festival‘, ‘Purple Emperor‘ and ‘Valentin‘ available blooming throughout the year.

pelargonium_Peltatum.jpgHybrids Peltatum is kremokladi and suitable for balcony.

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