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Gaultheria procumbens


Ornamental plant for balcony and terrace. He comes from North America and belongs to the family of ereikidon. Not tolerate calcareous soil or water and reacts with the color change of the leaves to yellow. Spring and summer is embellished with numerous white or pink blossoms, of which autumn will give the ruddy round fruit. And also the leaves change color: the cold months get a reddish tint. It is very resistant to winter cold. At this time just make sure the roots are slightly moist. Summer but wants plenty of water. Nor as to the position is very demanding. I always feel good, provided they are not only all day in the shade. You can occasionally take the fertilizer that contains potassium. Propagated by semi-woody cuttings in summer or autumn seeds. Because it is rich root system, appropriate and division.

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