


GASTERIA.jpgIt pachyfyto belonging to the family of leiriidon and hails from South Africa. The fleshy leaves are shaped tongue and patches or raised bumps on the surface and come out every two or, rarely, spirally. The reddish-brown flowers resembling bells and form loose clusters onto’ a tall stalk. The womb wants a place warm and sunny. Conditioned and shadow, but does not bloom. Winter wants coolness (10-15 °C). Keep on wet. In summer you can take the light fertilizer. If necessary, the transplant in shallow containers. The multiplication is done with suckers and leaf cuttings. Let the wound cut sheet to dry completely, before putting the container with’ a mixture of soil should contain mud and some sand.

Gasteria-verrucosa.jpgGasteria verrucosa has leaves with an uneven surface.