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CTENANTHE.jpgIt belongs to the family of Marantidou and hails from the rainforests of Brazil. Grown for imposing the leaves with the beautiful designs. The flowers are white, small and rather insignificant. The ideal location for ktenanthi is a part of bright but sheltered from sunlight. The air and the ground should be hot. In winter the temperature should not fall below 18 °C. Keep the soil consistently moist, watering it with warm soft water. Keep there are high levels of moisture and spray the sheets daily, If you have central heating. It summer throw light fertilizer every 2 weeks. If necessary, You can metafyteyete each 2-3 years in shallow pots. The multiplication is made by dividing.

Species and varieties

Ctenanthe-oppenheimiana.jpgCtenanthe oppenheimiana be durable kind, that reaches a meter in height, with leaf green with stripes on the upper surface asimoaspres and porfyrokokkina in the bottom.  The variety Variegata It has very special designs and Tricolor It has asymmetric designs.

Ctenanthe_lubbersiana.jpgCtenanthe lubbersiana be most delicate, yellow-green leaves with water, underneath green openly.

Ctenanthe_-kummerianaa.jpgCtenanthe kummeriana be dark-green with reddish underside.