Wild violet saintpaulia

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Saintpaulia ionantha

The agriovioleta discovered in tropical forests of the Sierra Ouzampara East African, late 19th century. It soon became very popular houseplant. It belongs to the family of gesneriidon. The flowers are blue – purple and have slender stems. The leaves are dark green and furry.

Saintpaulias can survive so close to the window, and inside the room. It is particularly striking if planted several together in groups. If care of in an appropriate manner, possible to bloom all year. A small break for a month in winter, will benefit the plant.

Loves the heat and humidity, but does not want direct sunlight. Need watering with soft, hot water. Watering should be done under the sheets or even from the pot saucer, but the excess water half an hour after the saucer, it is advisable to remove. Should not be sprayed leaves, and must be cleaned from the withered leaves. In spring and summer wants light fertilizer every week and repotting in March.

The agriovioleta propagated by leaf cuttings, while most older plants can be propagated by division.

There are many varieties, multicolored, white, to red and blue. There are also plants with small leaves, double or single flowers, curled etc..

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