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Grevillea robusta

GREVILLEA-ROBUSTA.jpgThe grevilea is evergreen plant, rapid development with majestic flowers. Originally from Australia where he reaches 50 m. height. As a houseplant is a komfo tree height 1-3 m. The leaves which first asimizoun, is plush and pteridomorfa like fern. Place the part in semi-shaded, protected from the hot sun. During the summer, prefers the heat, about’ You can remove it and out. Winter again wants dew. Keep the soil consistently moist and limit water winter, depending on the temperatures. Pour the fertilizer every week and change pot, if necessary, spring. The multiplication is done in the spring with fresh seeds, that will sow into sawdust temperature 20 °C. The main enemy of grevileas Aphids are. Take note of the reactions in the wrong category: if the missing fertilizer, leaves lighten. If you have a lot of moisture or drought at the roots, sheds its leaves. End, too much heat accelerates the development of.

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