Aglaonema Aglaonima or

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AGLAONEMA.jpgThe aglaonima It is an impressive family of aroeidwn plant. It originates from the wet and shady rainforests of East Asia that is often confused with the family of dipsenmpachia. The big 12 'sSINA leaves are usually full of splashes in shades of green. The flowers are rather humbly, have a braktio card that protrudes and resemble small lilies. Some varieties produce after blooming small radiant red and round fruit. The plant contains substances that can irritate the skin or mucous membranes. The aglaonima is also suitable for aquaculture. Ideal location is the Conservatory or a closed flower showcase with abundant moisture. Generally needs a part shady or imiskiero at room temperature at least. The temperature of the air and the soil should not be lower than 16-18 °C. Keep the soil evenly moist and potizete less in winter. From spring until August need light fertilization. The Spring metafytepste the greater, low planter, if necessary. Wrong treatment can weaken the plant and make it vulnerable to tetranycho and pseydokokko.

Varieties and species

AGLAONEMA_commutatum.jpgAglaonema commutatum: kind that comes from the Philippines and Java, with asimoprasines streaks, spots or splashes and executives of 50 EC.

AGLAONEMA_costatum.jpgA. costatum: originally from Malaysia and has bushy branching.

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