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Allamanda cathartica

ALLAMANDA_CATHARTICA.jpgIs caladium and originates from the wet forests of Brazil. It belongs to the family of apokynidwn. Has shiny, katakitrina and fragrant flowers are funnel-shaped. It is poisonous. Has quick bushy growth with long strong limbs and restore needs, to climb. Thrives in the greenhouse or winter garden. Need much light, moisture and heat. Winter only wants a little coolness. Doesn't love streams. From April until September to water and spray regularly with lukewarm water and pour fertilizer once a week. In the winter you should restrict watering (rest period). Change of spring planter. The Summit allamanta multiplied by cuttings in the spring or autumn.

Varieties: Hendersoniiwith portokalokitrina flowers, “Grandiflora” with lemon yellow flowers, “Schottii” with quick bushy growth.

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