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Known as Polytrichi, Kallitricho, Adiandi, "Earl of Venus»

adiantum.jpg Originates from the tropical zone of our planet. As the scientific name, I want squirt with water. Ntelikata has leaves that look like fans with subtle shiny kastanomayroys stems. The leptofyis this is extremely fragile Kentucky Bluegrass. Maidenhair wants shade and moisture, loves the heat and not withstanding any streams. Keep the soil always moist's watering with lukewarm and soft water. The ball of soil should never dry. Do not allow water to stagnate in the saucer. Make sure overwintering in part hot. From March to August, pour a little liquid fertilizer. Always cut dry leaves from their base. The spring metapsytepste the. The multiplication is done by dividing the ball of soil or by seeding.

Species and varieties

Adiantum_raddianum.jpgAdiantum raddianum the (raddianeio) is variety with delicate aroma, the ' Golden Elsi’ is variety with gold leaves.

adiantum_Tenerum.jpgAdiantum Tenerum has even the finest leaves and thinner stem.