
3.5/5 ( 70% )
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pilea.jpgVery cute plant family knidoeidon. The pilea has the following feature: once the warp come into contact with water, hurling gather pollen in the air. Has nice sheets with drawings and because it is a low plant is suitable for mulch in flowerbeds or shallow pots.

Put pilea in bright to semi-shaded spot, with heat and humidity, winter but cooler. Keep constantly moist with soft hot water in the summer and Reduce watering in winter.

During the growing season fertilize each 1-2 weeks. Do not spray the leaves. Spring pruning, and change the pot. The multiplication is done by cuttings make the cut, when the prune.

Species and varieties

Pilea-cadierei.jpgPilea Cadier or otherwise "Alouminochorto». Has green leaves with silver designs.

Pilea-cmssifolia.jpgPilea cmssifolia with pale green leaves with black and brown nerves.

Pilea-spruceana.jpgPilea spruceana with chalkoprasina leaves with silver stripes.

Pilea-nummulariifolia.jpgPilea nummulariifolia be Pendent-branched varieties with small leaves.

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