Abutilon – Aboytilo

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Also known as Aboytilo, Bellflower, Indian Mallow.

Abutilon-Firefly.jpgIt's sort of Mallow from the tropics of Central and South America. Has plush sheets, Green or yellow spots. The hanging of Bell-shaped flowers are red, Orange, yellow, dual colored or dark diatrechontai nerves. The aboytilo prefers a bright or imiskieri position for the summer, outdoors if possible, and for winter part bright and cool with temperature 12 °C about. From spring until autumn wants a lot of watering and fertilizer twice a week, While in winter the soil must simply be kept on wet. In the spring you can prune and change pot.
Multiply with cuttings, hybrids with seed.

Species and varieties

Abutilon_megapotamicum.jpgA. megapotamicum known as a Chinese Lantern: He has hanging branches, kokkinokitrina flowers in the shape of a lantern.

Abutilon_striatum.jpgA. striatum known as Brindle: Salmon with red blossoms nerves and leaves with yellow splashes.

It velvetleaf can be affected by steep temperature changes and throw leaves and the flowers. From the other hand, in a position with a lot of heat threatened by pseydokokko and tetranycho.

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