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Aphelandra squarrosa

APHELANDRA_SQUARROSA.jpgTropical plant from Brazil, It belongs to the family of katakitrina stachyomorpsa akanthidwn and has flowers the petals overlap each other. The shiny dark green leaves with white veining create a beautiful contrast. She loves the light, but not the Sun. She likes the humidity and the heat, While for the period of rest (8 weeks in winter) need dew. Thrives in greenhouse. During the period blastisis must frequently and abundantly watered with soft water at room temperature. Winter needs less watering. The leaves need daily sprinkling with water, While somewhere somewhere you and clean. During the period of development take a week fertilizer. In March, prune the and change of planter. Multiply with cuttings or cuttings leaf Crest.

Other species and varieties

APHELANDRA_sinclairiana.jpgAphelandra sinclairiana with red flowers

APHELANDRA_tetragona-.jpgAphelandra tetragona with red flowers also.