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Epipremnum pinnatum

also known as “Devil's Ivy”

EPIPREMNUM-PINNATUM.jpgIt belongs to the family of aroeidwn and originates from the tropical islands of Solomon. Has changed many names. Until recently it was known as scindapsus aureus. This is an easy to grow climbing plant, by kardioschima, Although slightly asymmetrical, leaves, they are usually decorated with golden-yellow spots or stripes and ypoleykes. In his home country measures whole climb onto other trees. In our own areas can cover entire walls with boughs of. It is ideal for hanging Flowerpot, as well as to prasinisete a space divider or walls of the enclosed your veranda. The desire has no special requirements. Point s’ a part of imiskiero at room temperature and hot floor. Winter wants a bit more coolness, but it does not need actual rest. Regular watering, less in winter and weekly fertilizer from March to August. Each 2-3 years metapsytepste the. Also suitable for aquaculture. The craving need frequent basting with water on the leaves of, Why loves moisture. The same will certainly be grateful, If you clean from time to time and its leaves. Multiply with cuttings rooted easily.

Aureum is the best-known type of mechrysokitrinafylla. The diversity Marble Queen It is white with colored drawings, slow growth, need more light.

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