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Camellia japonica

CAMELLIA.jpgThis charming flower belongs to the family of theϊdwn and hails from the cold forests of the mountains of Japan. In Europe it became known from the 19 ° century. Looks like rose, not only does it smell. There are over 10.000 varieties. It is demanding, We need, above all, a measure at all: wants for the whole year a part fixed airy, cool and bright to imiskiero with mild air humidity. During the summer months take the outdoors. Don't ever turn the planter, because the buds of prosanatolizontai based on the light. Keep everything wet with water without salt and pour the softcore non-calcium fertilizer every 2 weeks until they got the buds. Change the pot is necessary only if the roots have reached up to the walls of the container. Leave the overwintering in temperature below 10 °C. Multiply with cuttings peak flying 2-3 leaves.

CAMELLIA_pink.jpgChandleri Elegans be the famous Pink variety.

CAMELLIA_alba.jpgAlba is the white variety, While Simplex is the white monastery.

CAMELLIA_red.jpgMathotiana red double.

CAMELLIA_Golden-Spangles.jpgGolden Spangles with two color cards.


Hybrids Williamsii.

CAMELLIA_Donation.jpgDonation with pink waters petals.

Camelia_sasanqua.jpgCamelia sasanqua with slow growth, with elegant limbs that hang down and early flowering by October.

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