Herb cool

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drosera.jpgBotanical name: (Droserarotundifolia) Cool the stroggylofylos, (Droseraanglica) Cool English, (Drosera intermedia) Cool the Middle, They belong to the family Droserides (Droseraceae).
Description: Small perennial plant with a height of 5-25 cm. The leaves are oval or circular, with a diameter of 5-10 mm with long stems. Feature the many adenwdi trichidia. Each trichidio secretes a colloidal drop. The flowers are white and have a length 5-8 mm. The plant is entomofago, the glandular hairs leaf keep the insect which is absorbed by the digestive juices secreting leaves.
Parts used: The blooming plant fresh or dried (without roots).
Ingredients and Action: Contains antispasmodic substances and Flavonoids. Chrisimoipoieitai as expectorant.
Use: Generally used as a tincture (10-20 drops in water 3 times a day) or preparations suitable for pertussis.