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Primula PRIMULA.jpg

The primrose got its name from the status of some species to bloom from the first plants in late winter and early spring. The name of (primrose) means "small first ' . The capacity of this gave the name to the whole family to which it belongs, family of primoulidon. By 50 above and certain species are suitable only for indoor, however, there are many varieties to choose. Come from temperate zones, Europe and China. Have rich flowering, but did not live long. The leaves form a rosette and are often covered by fluff.

The bright part Primoula want to semi-shaded. The dew is good for flowers. Keep constantly moist with soft hot water, but be sure to avoid stagnant water in the saucer. They want very little fertilizer. The Primoula with cup-shaped flowers hold more. The transplant after flowering and put them to overwinter at low temperature (10-12 °C). Some species garden bloom again next year again.

Species and varieties

Primula-malacoides.jpgPrimula malacoides originates in China, where it grows on the edge of rizovolonon, are for one year, fragrant and have single or double flowers in many colors.

PRIMULA-obconica.jpgPrimula obconica, is cup-shaped and comes from Central China. There is a red, pink, white, blue color or two-color. Some varieties have small glands sheets allergenic secretions.

PRIMULA-vulgaris.jpgPrimula vulgaris with many varieties usually with yellow center in flowers and forming pads.

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