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PANDANUS.jpgOriginates from the tropics and belongs to the family of pandanidon, to which he gave the name. Grows a lot and needs plenty of space because of the massive, jagged foliage. The name is due to the leaves that grow spirally from a short trunk and can reach 1-2 m. length. After a few years formed woody aerial roots, which help support the plant and the lift above the receptacle. Moreover grow and offshoots.

The pandanos wants a bright place with a lot of moisture and heat all year. Keep constantly humid summer and limit water winter. From March to August fertilize once a week. Transplant seedlings every year, Most large sparse, but do not put too deep in the container.

The multiplication is done with suckers length 20 cm.


Pandanus_veitchii.jpgPandanus veitchii: originates from Polynesia, has oblong leaves striped in white and green with rough spines on the perimeter.

Pandanus_sanderi.jpgPandanus sanderi: from the Malay Archipelago, leaves with yellow stripes and thin spines in girth.

PANDANUS_utilis.jpgPandanus utilis: from Madagascar, where it reaches the 20 m. style, with blue-green leaves with red thorns.

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