Orchid ( "Venus Slipper" orchid)

3.5/5 ( 70% )
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PAPHIOPEDILUM.jpgVery beautiful orchid with green evergreen leaves, which are smeared or waters, while the flowers bloom in many accents and stripes, splashes or streaks. The pafiopedilo not psefdovolvous. Each rosette blooms only once. After forming new rosettes that will bloom next year. Definitely need a lot of moisture, light in the winter, but not hot summer sun. Green species prefer room temperature day and night coolness and winter. Species have designs are greenhouse plants and in need of temperature 18 °C at least, even in winter. Pafiopedilo watered with soft water at room temperature,when you feel the soil to dry out. Winter cut back even further. From April to September take a low dose of fertilizer every 3 weeks. Spray leaves days with sun. Change pot after flowering, if necessary. The multiplication is made by dividing, when you change pot.


Paphiopedilum-callosum.jpgPaphiopedilum callosum: demanding species from Thailand with blue-green leaves.

Paphiopedilum-fairrieanum.jpgPaphiopedilum fairrieanum

Paphiopedilum-sukhakulii.jpgPaphiopedilum sukhakulii: leaf spots.

Paphiopedilum-hirsutissimum..jpgPaphiopedilum hirsutissimum.

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