Lappa or burdock

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Botanical name: arkteio (Arctium lappa) It belongs to the family compound (Asteraceae). Originally from Europe and North Africa. It thrives at the edges of roads, next to walls and landfills. Reaches a height of up to 1,50 m, It has fleshy, long roots, emischa, kardioschima and fluffy leaves, and its flowers are blue and fly hooks. It blooms from June to August. The common name "burdock" Mima apparently owes to the hooks of the blossoms of. With these grains attach themselves to animal dander and spreading.

The great burdock is a traditional therapeutic instrument for blood purification and used against arthritis and Kidney stone. Also used to treat all kinds of dermatikwnpathisewn. It is commonly known as burdock or platanomantilida.

Since the plant is mainly used as root oil, tea or ready-made preparation.

Properties: The main constituents of the root of lappas, that is because the therapeutic action of this plant is insulin, mucous substances, polyaketylenioy compounds, essential oils, tannins, bitter substances and sitosterini. In lapa attributed antimicrobial and mikytoktones properties.

Use: Especially the oil of lappa root is renowned for treating dandruff and itch in the head. It is also said that it has a positive effect in case of skin and skin diseases ryparis. But also in case of gastrointestinal discomfort, Arthritis and rheumatic believed acting lapa and that helps in cleaning the skin. Also considered helpful in case of disturbance in liver and bile. In Lapa also attributed efidrwtiki and diuretic action, but that has not been confirmed scientifically. The Lapa is used in Chinese medicine for detoxification.

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