

cidonia.jpgBotanical name: Cydonia oblonga Kydwnea the Promikis. Belongs to family of Rodiidwn (Rosaceae)
Description: Is a tree or shrub, to 8 meters high. Its leaves are oval, fluffy and grayish when young. The flowers are white or pink. The fruit is fluffy, achladoeidi or Apple-shaped, and in the Center 5 attached masses that has each 8-16 seeds. The seeds are brown, with a length of around 10 mm.
Parts used: Xeramenoi seeds.

The Quince is originally from Eastern Asia, However, cultivated’ around the world. The seeds are separated when preserved fruit. Is dried at a temperature of 40-50 °C.
Ingredients and Action: Contains vegetable glue found in the shell of the seed. Presence of water this Goo produces a sticky solution that becomes "jelly" in the presence of intestinal fluid and a diluted solution of sodium chloride. The inner part of the seed contains the dangerous prossiko acid (hydrocyanic acid) that led to toxic effects when eaten. The glue reduces the irritation of all mucous membranes and is mild katharktiko.
Use: Leave a tablespoon of whole seeds to inflate in a cup of lukewarm water, for a few hours, After separate seeds from the preparation. This preparation taken internally as a mild katharktiko, also used for gargling and mouth washes or for infections of the throat and mouth.