Fern kyrtomio


Cyrtomium falcatum

CYRTOMIUM-FALCATUM.jpgIt is an ornamental fern species native to East Asia, India and South Africa. Has dark green leaves with jagged skin texture. Not many requirements and can withstand even the snow, if it is in a place protected. Like most species of fern loves humidity and location cool, airy, shady to imiskieri. Summer wants plenty of watering, While the winter less. Someplace somewhere you can shoot and out in the rain, spray the leaves once a month to soak in water. Baste every month in the summer light and, If you need, metafytepste the spring.

The kyrtomio is not difficult in cultivation. Need to know only that offended easily from grainy. His favourite position is in an enclosed porch, Once there the ideal conditions for the development of.

Multiplied by seeds or Division.

Other species and varieties
The diversity Rochfordianum has leaves with deep slits.

Cyrtomium-caryotideum.jpgCyrtomium caryotideum has delicate leaves and is quite scarce species.

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