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Erigeron Canadensis

Erigeron photo: Retemirabile

Plant found in North America , and across Europe , common in heaths , Dykes, rubble, and means to crops , the erigkero grows in similar places in our country. It herbaceous , annual plant, with erect stems, Fluffy, ramified. Leaves are lanceolate , closely and many, gkrizoprasino.Ta colored flowers form small heads with florets halibut , whitish and tubular yellow. The time of flowering is in July- September and used parts sheets

Healing properties erigkeroy

The plant is useful primarily against loympagko, rheumatism and diseases of the urinary bladder.

It is still a diuretic, anti-diarrheal and hemostatic .

Manufacturing mode:

The preparation of the decoction made with 3 tablespoons of the plant in 1 liter of water , that Cook 2 minutes and then left 10 minutes out of the fire. From the preparation , We get 3 cups a day , between meals .
The erigkero is used as a decoction or fluid extract against typhoid, dysentery, bronchitis, of mitrorragiwn and of hemorrhoids.

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