Select appropriate plants for the flower garden

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Beyond the personal taste of the party’ one to the flowering plants, there are others, very important factors that must be taken into account when selecting and buying them.

Lighting conditions, kind of soil

The plants will be selected, must be able to thrive in the kind of terrain that exists in our garden and the light to be such that meets their needs. Will not develop properly e.g., a genre that needs a lot of sunshine in a shady place.

Garden space

The plants will be selected for the garden, You must have the space they need to grow. It is important therefore, to take into account, both the space we have available, and the dimensions of the plant in full development. This is particularly important, as for trees and shrubs.

Existing garden landscaping

It is important, If there is already a first shaping in Garden, to plants that will be selected to match and grow in harmony with this

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