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Clivia miniata

CLIVIA-MINIATA.jpgIt belongs to the family of amaryllidwn and hails from South Africa. It has dark green, oblong leaves, which come in pairs one over the other. The leaves contain poisonous alkaline substances. Among them is a long stem with a majestic anthiko korimvos from 10-20 Orange and Red funnel-shaped flowers that give off. The roots are fleshy.

Place the klibia in bright or imiskiero and airy place that not pounding the Sun. The summer may be out, Winter wants coolness. From October to February is certainly in need of rest at 10-12 “C. Limit the waterings. When the anthiko strain surpassed the height of 15 cm. the klibia wants plenty of water, but not to stagnate in the saucer. From February to August pour of fertilizer 2 times per week. After flower, You can the planting: Once a year the young plants, more rarely the most great. Multiplied by offshoots from the base of the plant that have at least 4 leaves.

Other species and varieties

CLIVIA-MINIATA_citrina.jpg Citrina variety with whitish flowers.

Clivia-nobilis.jpgClivia nobilis a smaller plant that originates from the southern Cape of Africa.

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