Cactus kleistokaktos

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Cleistocactus.jpgOriginating from South America, where it grows in Rocky soils with moisture and can reach 2 m. height. It is piece tubular with thin on trunk at the base of the branches. White of thorns as thick and thin that more closely resemble hairs. Even more bizarre is the tubular flowers which also highlight like thumbs sideways. Open as much as it takes to get the stamens and the pillar. Thrives in part bright, sunny summer, best out, and cool in winter. It needs more moisture than other cacti, about’ This summer should be the regular sprinkling of warm soft water. During the summer months to keep the soil slightly nwtismeno, While in the winter you can restrict watering. Metafytepste the spring, if necessary.

To encourage kleistokakto to develop, We have spring and summer to drop a week fertilizer. Use the special non-nitrogenous fertilizer for cacti.

Cleistocactus-strausii.jpgCleistocactus strausii a native of Bolivia, White thorns and flowers to color protokalokokkino to red of fire.

Cleistocactus-smaragdiflorus.jpgCactus smaragdiflorus flowers with bright red lips and Emerald tube.

Cleistocactus-wendlandiorum.jpgCactus wendlandiorum turns out already from kitrinokokkina flowers 15 cm. height.