Diseases tick problems


CODIAEUM-VARIEGATUM.jpgProblems – confrontation

1. The lower leaves of fall

Cold and dry air. The plant must be transported in warmer space with more moisture. Spray the leaves with water frequently.

2. The leaves become Brown and display   burns.

It is caused by the bregmenwn report cards in the Sun. Minpsekazete plant hours of sunshine.

3. Leaves faded, without bold colours.

The plant doesn't have enough light. Drag it to a brighter location.

4. The leaves shrivel and fall.

Excessive heat and drought. Increase the spraying of the leaves and move the plant to a cooler location.

5. The leaves droop downwards and the stem rot.

Overwatering. Let the soil dry and then water it less frequently.  

6. The leaves are falling.

Fluctuations in temperature. Move the plant to a site with more stable temperature.

7. The new leaves are small and deformed.

The plant needs lubrication.

8. Yellow leaves with cobwebs on the bottom surface.

Mites. Sprinkle with proper preparation and make sure air humidity.

9. In the lower surface of leaves and shoot there are brown insects.

Grainy. The remove a – one with cotton and alcohol. If the condition is advanced, Sprinkle with suitable preparation.

10. White spots like cotton on the leaves.

Mealybug. Removed them one – one with cotton and alcohol or spray with a suitable formulation.

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