Aloe (Aloe)

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aloe-vera.jpgBotanical name: Aloe genuine (Aloe vera), belongs to the family of leiriidon (Liliaceae) and originates from Africa. Cultivated in the tropics, also as an indoor plant or in large pots. It is hardy plant, reaches the 60 cm, He has spiky, gkrizoprasina and fleshy leaves, flowers yellow or orange. It blooms from May to June.
The Aloe is used by old as skin lotion. It is said that Cleopatra had the extraordinary beauty of this particular plant.

Parts of the plant: For the production of Aloe Vera gel cut leaves and used the clean gel. Also outbound from bitter, Yellow xiroe kchylisma produced the juice of Aloe.

Properties: Aloe contains Anthraquinone, resinous substances, tannins and Aloeresin B. Helps in wound epoylwsitwn, It stimulates the secretion of bile and acts as a laxative. Besides the ingredients used and as a lotion for smooth and soft skin.
Use: Clean jelly secreted from one sheet is used mainly as a means of first aid in case of sunburn, abrasion, scald and burn from the Sun. Even the relief action of jelly in Burns has been confirmed by surveys. To relieve the pain and reduce the risk of contamination carefully rub the gel on the affected area. The bitter juice acts as a powerful laxative thanks to Anthraquinone. In the industry of cosmetic products used the plant for shampoo and facial and hand creams.
Aloe has aromatic properties, toning, appetizing and digestive in small dose while in larger doses laxative and outdoor use healing.
The resin of Aloe from certain varieties are fragrant and taken on the spur of the plant. It is bitter in taste, tonic and laxative.
Aloe genuine produce two pharmaceuticals. The yellow bitter juice comes out when cutting the leaves used, After dry, as a laxative.

The people use Aloe for burn skin care from fire or sunbathing, and rashes, Stings from bees and other insects, the cuts and stings from the jellyfish in the sea.

At the same time has antimykitiki, antibiotic and anti-inflammatory action. In tropical countries the plant is found in every home on the kitchen window sill, Clipboard for every need and generally called the plant burns. Cut a sheet of mature from the plant peel out the gelatin and put onto the burning.

It 1930 and 1940 Americans doctors discovered that Aloe gelatin could cure the burns caused x-rays. From then began and the high demand of the plant.

Besides the pharmaceutical today is extensive use of Aloe in cosmetic industry for toning and emollient properties of the skin.

The soothing effect of aloe vera gel to burns has been confirmed by extensive research.

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