Aeschynanthus speciosus

4.5/5 ( 90% )
based on 2 ratings

Known as aischynanthos


The aischynanthos belongs to the family of geseneriidwn and grows as epiphyte on full moisture forests between Himalayas and Indonesia. It took its name from the "shy" of flowers have red endpoints. Go to the taxianthies 6-12 and have four long stamens protruding. Mounted high or pendant, the plant is appropriate for storefronts and Windows in air-conditioned spaces. Place in part imiskiero (in winter most bright) and hot, with temperature constant and high atmospheric humidity. Do not change location. Wants frequent basting with hot water, regular watering in summer and less in winter. From March to September you can drop light, non-calcium fertilizer. Spring change of planter. Multiply with cuttings rooted in soil temperature at least 25 theC.

Other species
AESCHYNANTHUS_radicans.jpgAeschynanthus radicans (= A. pulcher) who has Bloodshot flowers.

AESCHYNANTHUS_-tricolor.jpg Aeschynanthus tricolor and a series of hybrids.