Brovalia (Browallia)


Browallia speciosa

BROWALLIA_SPECIOSA.jpgElegant imithamnwdes plant of the family solanacea from the tropics of South America. Flower colour varies from blue to purple, but there are also white varieties. It is poisonous. Usually grown as an annual plant. Its location must be airy and bright, but the bears no direct sun. To remove immediately the withered flowers. Ensure the soil of moderate moisture and pour the compost every 2 weeks. Multiplied by seeds in February. Plant seedlings in groups. WithHowever, you could multiply the mproballia and with cuttings.

So you can enjoy your flowery mproballia, korfologiste the small, so to fly early branches. Don't forget to cut withered flowers and leaves. So you pull out more buds and will prolong the flowering of.

Other species

Browallia_viscosa.jpgThe Browallia viscosa which is suitable for a garden

The Browallia grandiflora which is also suitable for garden

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