The mineral salts and trace elements in plants

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With mineral salts maintained a chemical balance in the body, bones, the teeth, the muscles, but above all a chemical equilibrium in cellular fluids (Endo- and Exo-), that is a factor fundamental for maintaining health and beauty. Metals and minerals were well known long before discovered vitamins. However, when at the beginning of the 20th century discovered vitamins dwarfed.

What are the mineral salts

mineralsIs natural, Mono-organic special substances that have a specific chemical composition and characteristic krystallwdi structure, color and hardness. In very small quantities required for the normal functioning of the body, but they have multifaceted action and interactions in the function of the human body: Metals give solidity and resistance in skeleton, used as ingredients of organic compounds, regulate the fluid balance in the body and take part in many metabolic processes. Metal download, main results the organic balance setting in water, smoother movement of nutrients, the maintenance of normal blood acidity, and better functioning exwkrinwn and endocrine glands.

The most important role of minerals

The most important of the balance which is required to sustain the human body to maintain good health is to acid-base balance. The body will make every effort to maintain a slightly alkaline nature of blood. But everyday life usually leads all too easily to the sharpening of body tissues.

The metabolism, overconsumption of animal foods, the chemicals, the medications, stress etc., promoting acid production. Work of the regulatory mechanisms of the body (as for self-rescue, blood circulation, digestion, hormone production etc.) is the maintenance of sensitive internal acid-base balance, pre-requisite for health.

The body cannot tolerate prolonged supremacy acids. If the ph deviates too much tissue to the acidic side, then decrease the levels of oxygen and the metabolism of the cells stops. In other words, the cells can be directed to "death". In hyperacidity of fluids and tissues of the body due to "illness", creating:

  • Musculoskeletal problems (cervical syndrome, muscle pain, cramps, stiffness etc.)
  • Rheumatic diseases (degenerative and inflammatory arthropathies).
  • Intestinal problems (gases, flatulence, indigestion etc.)
  • Nervous disorders (insomnia, irritability etc.)
  • Skin problems (itching etc.)

To prevent such a development, the body begins to extract alkali metals from tissues. There is a group of minerals which neutralizes strong acids, to which sodium, potassium, magnesium, etc.. When these metals react with acids, much less harmful substances produced, which follows the Agency eliminates.

The Agency maintains a healthy stock of the alkaline ones metals for use in emergency situations. If, however, the amounts of recruits from foods or quantities in inventory are not sufficient, then the substituted from other places, such as calcium from the bones, magnesium from the muscles etc. Course, These elements are essential for the functioning of these tissues.

Categories of minerals

The minerals are divided into three groups:

  • Those who need in larger quantities and are calcium (Ca), Phosphorus (P), Magnesium (Mg), Potassium (K), Sodium (Na), Chlorine (Cl) and sulfur (S)
  • What we need in minimum quantities (trace elements) and Iron (Fe), Manganese (Mn), Copper (Ku), Iodine (J), Zinc (Zn), Chrome (Cr), Fluoride (F), Selenium (Se) and
  • What is toxic and is the Lead (Pb), cadmium (Cd), Mercury (Hg) and other.

What are the mineral salts and in which foods contained

healthy food includes all mineralsCalcium: It is a component of the system of substances, of teeth, tendons, of blood, of the nervous system: Participate in the building of osteinis mass and prevents osteoporosis. Contributes to the health of teeth and bone and combined with magnesium in the right heart function. Takes part in blood clotting, in activating enzymes and found in the peripheral nervous system.

Rich in calcium is rice, the bromi, barley, soybeans, almonds, walnuts, the gooseberry, yogurt, onions, peas, sprouts, carrots, the tomato, the maize, the leek, apricots, Pineapple, cherries.

Phosphorus: Is component of bone, the nervous tissue and blood. About 1% body weight consists of phosphorus and the 80% that exists in our body is in the bones and teeth. The other 20% located in soft tissues, in the institutions and in each cell. It is necessary for proper bone growth and the smooth functioning of the heart, the kidneys and the nervous system. Provides energy and vitality because it helps in the metabolism of fats and starches. Also reduces the pain of arthritis. Even the phosphorus is essential for muscle growth and takes part in certain metabolic processes, as glucose transport, the formation of phospholipids and amino acid metabolism.

It is rich in phosphorus all cereals, carrots, peas, soybeans, Citrus, apricots, almonds, hazelnuts, the taraxakos, lettuce and onions.

Magnesium: Together with phosphorus and calcium is part of the skeletal system of the nervous tissue and has anti-alloiwtiki action on the cells. It is an essential element of metabolism at the cellular level and takes part in the activation of several enzymes. Magnesium restores tranquillity in nerve and muscle fiber. Sets the cell function in water, helps in the formation of antibodies and bone. Used in the production of energy and helps reduce stress. Magnesium is an essential element for the proper functioning of the heart, nerves, muscle and bone. It is also important for the action of many enzymes. Helps depression and gallstone. The deficiencies of magnesium, usually, happening in metegcheiritikoys patients, Alcoholics and others who don't have well balanced diets. While destroyed by processing of foods.

It is rich in magnesium, taraxakos, onions, cereals, Citrus, Apples, cherries, strawberries, the grapes, Plums, peaches, the mandarins. Rich in magnesium are the unprocessed sea salt (not to be confused with the kitchen salt = sodium chloride only).

Potassium: It is a component of red blood cells and cells and has a laxative, diuretic and alkalwtiki action on blood cells and glands. Check the cell content in water, regulates the functioning of the nervous system, the muscle contractions and maintains the correct number of ions in human body. Protects the heart from arrhythmias and together with sodium maintains the balance of water in the body. Yet it is essential for the insulin secretion to the metabolism of carbohydrates and protein synthesis. The potassium is destroyed by cooking and processing of foods

Rich in potassium is wheat, carrots, potatoes, tomatoes, peas, cherries, the grapes, walnuts, hazelnuts, peanuts, Apples, Citrus, strawberries.

Chlorine: It is a component of hydrochloric acid and takes part in regulation of pressure and wsmwtikis to maintain basic balance-oxeo. Even the chlorine is necessary for the production of hydrochloric acid in the stomach, in cases of indigestion and utility in many upset stomach. When there is a shortage of chlorine then loss of muscular strength, the teeth are destroyed and there is poor digestion of food. Chlorine is not alone in nature, It is always connected with sodium as sodium chloride (Salt).

Sodium-rich foods are meat, cucumber, tomatoes, wheat, fish, poultry, eggs, milk, Bacon, Ham, bread, and crackers.

Sodium: Is like sodium chloride in plasma and lymph, It is the most saline component. Sets in conjunction with potassium osmotic pressure in cells, maintaining oxeo-basic balance and carry nutrients to cells. Sodium is associated with muscular Contracture and function of the muscular system. Ensures the body's water balance, makes possible the muscle and nerve reactions and preserves the balance of ions in the blood. Rarely observed lack of the Organization, After being more than offset by the diet. The digestive system is alkaline and laxative action.

Sodium is contained in the kitchen salt (sodium chloride), but it's rich oranges, the dates, cherries, chestnuts, peanuts, Apples, peaches, Spinach, lentils, carrots, strawberries.

Sulfur: Has anti-inflammatory properties, protects the integrity of bone tissue, of teeth and tendons.
Rich in sulfur is sprouts, onions, bananas, cherries, Spinach, Pears, Citrus, Sweet Almonds, carrots, Asparagus.

What are the minerals and in which foods contained

Iron: Component of hemoglobin, is found in all tissues, Why recreates the RBCs.

Is iron-rich spinach, parsley, strawberries, celery, blueberries, bananas, Pineapple, walnuts, oranges, apricots, Asparagus, rice, the leek.

Iodine: It is an important component, because it increases the metabolic activity (acting on the thyroid) and stimulates the functioning of internal glands.

It is not very popular in nature and is found in certain mineral waters, in marine algae, in pineapple, in garlic, in artichoke, in onions, in the spinach and chard.

Manganese: It is necessary to activate a number of enzymes that Act on digestion of food. Manganese helps in the absorption of vitamin B1 (thiamin) and of vitamin e by the Agency and works with all b vitamins to combat depression, anxiety and other disorders of the nervous system.

Recent studies on the importance of manganese show role of manganese in converting protein and fat into energy, in the regulation of blood sugar, creating cartilage and liquid lubricant for joints in the synthesis of hemoglobin to increase antioxidant enzyme SOD action (dysmoytasi peroxide) and monitoring of neurotransmitters the great importance of manganese for the biochemical processes of the organization also emerges from ereynes leading up to that can help to prevent osteoporosis, in treating fatigue and enhance memory.

Good natural sources of manganese are the: avocado, Pineapple, nuts, dried raisins, tea, whole grain products, beans, peas, spinach, broccoli, oranges, green leafy vegetables Bilberries, lotuses, liver, egg yolk, Carnation, cinnamon Chamomile, tzinsengk, parsley, Spearmint, Dandelion and to melisochorto

Zinc: Is a mineral, I found mainly in animal foods. Interacts with approximately 300 enzymes in the body. Main functions is the participation in the structure of proteins, the important role in the expression of genes and transcription and the participation in the structure of cell membranes.

Sources from the plant site is nuts, beans and whole grains, However better absorbed from animal sources rich in zinc like oysters and fish.

Copper: Participate in formation of blood.
It is rich in copper peas, the gooseberry, figs, strawberries, the dates, chestnuts, the coconuts, oranges, blueberries.

Chrome: Chromium is an essential trace mineral, which enhances the action of insulin and influences the metabolism of carbohydrates, proteins and lipids. When talking about chromium nutrition, in the form that it takes the human body, referring to the trivalent chromium (Cr3+ or Cr ((III))).

In nuts and whole grains, impressively high have the Brazilian nuts

Selenium: Selenium exists in the body in a large number of proteins, called selenium-protein (selenoproteins). These include yperoxeidases (peroxidises), which have significant anti-inflammatory properties and protect cell membranes from free radicals, the apoϊwdionases (deiodinases), which are involved in the production of the active form of thyroid hormone (active thyroid hormone) and proteins involved in the creation and DNA repair

Selenium is found in most foods, exists in soil and plants the recruit. However, the content varies in Antiparos, Depending on the texture of the soil. Very good source of selenium are nuts (especially Brazil nuts)

Fluoride: No longer seen “trace element” by many researchers, and opinions differ about the usefulness or harmfulness of. Investigated the damage that causes excessive dosage.

Recommended daily doses of micronutrients, Metallic salts:

vitaminsExisting in Greece “about nutritional supplements” It is now in place and Community law as consistent with the Greek law in accordance with the decisions of the European Union. Listed in the Official Gazette No.. sheet 395 of 27 February 2004, and for a more complete your information listed in the following tables.
In the 1st series the recommended daily Amount (RDA), in the 2nd series of the minimum daily amount, and in the 3rd row the maximum daily amount.



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